White- crested Laughingthrush

Common name: White- crested laughingthrush

Binomial name: Garrulax leucolophus

Description: It is a 30cm laughingthrush with a characteristically voluminous white crest. It also bears an easily recognizable elongated black eye- mask. The rest of its plumage is mostly brown and rufescent.

Call: Loud, cackling outbursts with short syllables such as “ow” and “uu-ahhh”.

Diet: Fruits, seeds and nectar; invertebrates such as spiders, flies, caterpillars; even known to feed on small reptiles and amphibians.

Habitat: Foothill and secondary forests, scrubs.

Native countries: From the Himalayan foothills to Southeast Asia.

IUCN Conservation Red List: Least concern.

Fun facts: It is a popular caged bird, and its voluntary release during religious practices is the likely cause for introduction into Singapore. It is highly social, and may be found in flocks of 6- 12, and may collectively defend or annex feeding grounds of birds, whether conspecific or otherwise.

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