Straw- headed Bulbul

Common name: Straw- headed bulbul

Binomial name: Pycnonotus zeylanicus

Description: It is the largest bulbul in the region, measuring 30cm. It has an orange head and olive- green plumage. Its breast and nape bear fine white streaks, and it has a thick black V- shaped streak that runs through its eyes and extends behind its beak.

Call: Melodious series well heard at dawn and just before dusk.

Diet: Fruits and seeds.

Habitat: Secondary forests, forest edges, scrubs and plantations with nearby water bodies.

Native countries: Thai- Malayan peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra and Java.

IUCN Conservation Red List: Critically endangered.

Not so fun facts: It is prized for its singing abilities and is highly sought after in the caged bird trade. Mature individuals worldwide number 600- 1700, of which only 200 are estimated to remain in the wild. Singapore is the only remaining stronghold for this species, which has been hunted to extinction in Thailand and Malaysia.

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